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North Korea Key Facts


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea - Country Profile

Capital: Pyongyang

  • Population 24.5 million (UN, 2012)
  • Major language Korean
  • Major religions Mainly atheist or non-religious, traditional beliefs
  • Life expectancy 66 years (men), 72 years (women) (UN)
  • Monetary unit Won
  • Internet domain .kp

 Supreme leader: Kim Jong-un

Kim Jong-un is the third supreme leader in the Kim dynasty, founded by his grandfather Kim il-Sung, the country's leader at the time of its establishment.Kim Jong-un took over from his father Kim Jong-il when he died from a heart attack in December 2011.Under Kim Jong-un, North Korea has continued its policy of promoting the military at home while sending mixed signals to the rest of the world about its nuclear programme. 

The press

Rodong Sinmun (Labour Daily) - organ of Korean Workers' Party; web pages in EnglishJoson Inmingun (Korean People's Army Daily)Minju Choson (Democratic Korea) - government organRodongja Sinmum (Workers' Newspaper) - organ of trade union federation

Television and radio

Korean Central Broadcasting Station - radio station of Korean Workers' PartyKorean Central TV - TV station of Korean Workers' PartyMansudae TV - cultural stationVoice of Korea - state-run external service, via shortwave radio; web pages in several languages

News agency/internet

Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) - state-run; web pages in several languagesUriminzokkiri (On Our Own) - website carrying official news; pages in several languages 

 Radio and TV sets in North Korea are pre-tuned to government stations that pump out a steady stream of propaganda.The press and broadcasters - all of them under direct state control - serve up a menu of flattering reports about North Korea's leader. Economic hardship and famines are not reported. North Korea is one of the hardest countries for foreign media to cover.Ordinary North Koreans caught listening to foreign broadcasts risk harsh punishments, such as forced labour. The authorities attempt to jam foreign-based and dissident radio stations. 

More interesting Facts


25 Surprising Facts You May Not Know About North Korea

Source link:  By: Candace Lowry Posted on June 25, 2014, at 1:55 p.m. 

  1. Surprisingly, pot is not considered an illegal substance in the otherwise strict country. Travel blogger/reporter Darmon Richter documented his alleged marijuana purchase while in North Korea.
  2. North Korea bases its calendar on Kim Il-Sung's date of birth: 15 April 1912.
  3. North Korea hands out ballots with only one option on them, so votes swing, you guessed it, 100% for the leader.
  4. There are Almost No Working Traffic Lights: Although there may be some stop lights, many of them reportedly do not work and have been replaced by Police controlling the traffic. 
  5. DPRK has the world’s largest stadium: The Rungnado May Day stadium has more than 150,000 seats and houses the extravagant Mass Games.
  6. It has a “three gerrations of punishment” rule: If one person violates a law or is sent to prison camp, it affects their whole family. Grandparents, parents, and children of the violator are sent to work with them.
  7. Accordions were a big deal in North Korea: In the 1990s all teachers were required to learn how to play accordions. Today, many citizens continue to specialize in the instrument.
  8. There is a “Propaganda” city near the South Korea Border: As a way to intimidate South Korea and put on a front, Kijong-dong (Peace Village) was builtafter the Korean War.
  9. North Korea’s constitution is available for anyone to read: Although the document points out freedom of expression, democratic voting, and the freedom of religion, the country is far from it.
  10. Kim Jong-Il Kidnapped a director to create acclaimed North Korean films: Nabbing him and his wife, Kim Jong-il forced Shin Sang-ok to make films under his reign. Luckily, the director successfully escaped years later.
  11. The country created their own version of “Godzilla” called “Pulgasari” After seeing Godzilla, Kim Jong-Il wanted his own propaganda-laden masterpiece using none other than Shin Sang-ok.
  12. Kim Il-Sung is seen as the “forever leader”: Kim Il-sung will always be considered North Korea's eternal leader, even though his heirs have taken the reigns.
  13. Kim Jong-Il reportedly imported $763,000 of cognac a year. The mean NK income is $1,500: Apparently the leader had a taste for the brandy.
  14. North Korea claims having a 99% literacy rate: The country boasts its literacy rate is on par with the U.S.
  15. North Korea has Three “Peoples Pleasure Grounds”: Pyongyang has three fun fairs, some with less than optimal rides and technology.
  16. Visiting Kim Jong-Il’s body is the country’s most popular attraction: Kim Jong-il's body is preserved in a glass tomb for anyone, including outside tourists, to see.
  17. North Korea’s basketball team has some crazy rules: Some include four-pointers (if a three-pointer never touches the rim) and points deducted for missed free throws.
  18. There was at least one American voluntarily living in North Korea: After the Korean War, Joseph Dresnok crossed over the mine-laden border into North Korea. He met three other U.S. soldiers doing the same thing. However, Dresnok was the only one who chose to stay. He admitted, "I feel at home...I wouldn't trade it for nothing."
  19. North Korea Only has Three TV channels: Two of which are only available on weekends, while the other is broadcast in the evenings. Because of this, South Korean soap operas are among the most popular items smuggled in.
  20. North Korea is not technically a communist nation:  North Korea claims to operate under the "Juche" ideology, or "rejecting dependence on others, using one’s own brains, and believing in one’s own strength," according to Kim Il-Sung. Although not technically Communist, many of these ideas stem from ideologies of previous Communist leaders.
  21. Students are required to pay for chairs, desks, and heating fuel: All students are expected to pay for basically everything but the teacher, causing some parents to secretly pull their children from school.
  22. Pyongyang is only for the elite: Pyongyang, one of North Korea's only cities, is home to three million people, but only the elite. Only trustworthy, healthy, and loyal citizens can live there.
  23. North Korea uses human feces as fertilizer: Because of its lack of resources, North Korea was forced to use human feces as fertilizer, demanding the product from its citizens.
  24. There are currently nearly 200,000 prisoners in work camps: A growing number of prisoners continue to fill the estimated 16 work camps.
  25. Half of the population lives in extreme poverty: This means half of the 24 million people don't even have access to basic human needs.
