The other side of North Korea
Things that we don't know about the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- The country has its own version of Olympics known as 'The Mass Games'. It involves 1,00,000 performers, many of them young children, depicting the history and modernity of North Korea.
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- Art is evident at every corner of the capital city Pyongyang. The country also has a rich background of tradition and culture which is projected during their festivals
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- The country has its own calendar. So instead of the year 2017, North Korea is on year 106.
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- Pyongyang, by definition, means “flat land” or “land of peace”. It has standout architecture puncturing through the city’s fairly flat landscape
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- There is no Internet access, phones and newspapers other than propaganda sheets. What the (most privileged) people do have is access to intRAnet - a local network limited to government-approved North Korean websites.
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- There’s a really tall hotel (105 stories) that’s still under construction in Pyongyang (since 1987, reportedly said to have been completed in 2002, but the opening of the hotel keeps getting delayed). It’s been empty for almost 30 years now.
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- There’s a social classification system that is cut into 50 sub-classifications. It’s called Songbun and it is determined at birth
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- The current head of state, Kim Jong-un went to a private boarding school in Switzerland. He is a fluent English speaker and loves basketball